Efficacy and Tolerability of Moclobemide Compared with Imipramine in Depressive Disorder (DSM-III): An Austrian Double-blind, Multicentre Study∗

The antidepressant efficacy, tolerability, and safety of moclobemide, a reversible, monoamine oxidase-A inhibitor, were compared with those of imipramine in parallel groups of patients with a major depressive episode, in a 4-week, multicentre (17 centres), randomised study. A total of 381 patients were randomly allocated to either treatment; they were not required to avoid tyramine-rich foods. Drop-out rates were comparable in both groups at about 17%. Judged primarily on the HRSD, no significant differences in efficacy were observed between the groups, but the number of patients presenting with adverse events, as well as the total number of adverse events, was greater with imipramine. Cardiovascular tolerability was satisfactory and physical examination, body weight, and laboratory values were essentially unaffected in both groups.