Freeze-Fracture Study of the Trophozoite and the Cyst ofEntamoeba histolytica

The fine structure of the trophozoite and cyst of Entamoeba histolytica from the stool of a patient was compared using the freeze-fracture method. The intramembranous particles (IMP''s) were heterogeneously distributed on the plasma membrane of the trophozoite and their density was 1139 .+-. 105/.mu.m2 on the P face and 27 .+-. 9/.mu.m2 on the E face. Particle-rich depressions and linear particle arrays, reported by other investigators on cultured trophozoites, were also observed on the P face while on the E face such special particle arrangement was not recognized. Particle-free, small protrusions were frequently observed on the P face of the trophozoite membrane. The existence of these protrusions is a new finding. In the cyst, the IMP''s were also distributed heterogeneously on both the P and E faces of the plasma membrane. The density of the IMP''s, however, was much lower than in the trophozoite: 6 .+-. 2/.mu.m2 on the P face and averaging less than 1/.mu.m2 on the E face. In freeze-fracture images, the plasma membrane of the cyst showed a variety of configurations from smooth to uneven or ridged surfaces. These morphological alterations of the plasma membrane may be attributed to the aging of the cyst. The thick wall of the cyst had a filamentous tri- or tetra-lamellar structure. The cytoplasm of the cyst was similar in structure to that of the trophozoite and the diameter of the nuclear pores was equal to both trophozoties and cysts.