Observations on the Blood Proteins during Malaria Infections

Discussion and Summary The conjunction of edema, albuminuria, and the reduction in plasma protein leads to the conclusion that the malaria infection has produced a nephrosis rather than a nephritis. No edema was observed in five vivax patients studied. It was experienced by one of three falciparum patients, and by both of two quartan patients. Insofar as the observations on edema, urinary albumin and plasma albumin may be correlated, it appears that 1. In our vivax patients a depression in the plasma albumin was not necessarily accompanied by a trace of albumin in the urine. The level of the former was reduced without the development of edema. 2. In the falciparum patients a trace of albumin in the urine was more frequently noted with a depression in the plasma albumin, although edema, while observed coincidentally, was not significantly associated with depression of the plasma albumin. 3. In the quartan patients a trace of albumin in the urine was definitely associated with a depression in the plasma albumin, and edema accompanied such depression.