Penultimate Instar. Head width 1.4 to 1.7 mm. Body length about 7 mm. Otherwise similar to ultimate instar.Ultimate Instar. Head width 1.7 to 1.9 mm. Body about 17 mm. long and 2.5 mm. in width; fusiform in general shape, each segment divided by a transverse fold into a broader anterior and narrower posterior portion; skin closely covered with minute hexagonal pits; ground colour light greyish-brown, with five well-defined longitudinal lines, as follows: a narrow dark grey middorsal line fading posteriorly, two wide grey-brown subdorsal lines, and two interrupted brown supraspiracular lines; oblique outfolded ridges in subspiracular position, separated by deep, infolded wrinkles, which are darkly pigmented and bear irregularly scattered pits, one series of these wrinkles forming a fine interrupted suprapodal line, the venter light brown.