Limit laws for maxima of a sequence of random variables defined on a Markov chain

Consider the bivariate sequence of r.v.'s {(Jn,Xn),n≧ 0} withX0= - ∞ a.s. The marginal sequence {Jn} is an irreducible, aperiodic,m-state M.C.,m< ∞, and the r.v.'sXnare conditionally independent given {Jn}. FurthermoreP{Jn=j, Xnx|Jn− 1=i} =pijHi(x) =Qij(x), whereH1(·), · · ·,Hm(·) are c.d.f.'s. SettingMn= max {X1, · · ·,Xn}, we obtainP{Jn=j, Mnx|J0=i} = [Qn(x)]i, j, whereQ(x) = {Qij(x)}. The limiting behavior of this probability and the possible limit laws forMnare characterized.Theorem.Let ρ(x) be the Perron-Frobenius eigenvalue ofQ(x) for realx; then:(a)ρ(x) is a c.d.f.;(b) if for a suitable normalization {Qijn(aijnx+bijn)} converges completely to a matrix {Uij(x)} whose entries are non-degenerate distributions thenUij(x) = πjρU(x), where πj= limn→ ∞pijnand ρU(x) is an extreme value distribution;(c) the normalizing constants need not depend oni, j;(d) ρn(anx+bn) converges completely to ρU(x);(e) the maximumMnhas a non-trivial limit law ρU(x) iffQn(x) has a non-trivial limit matrixU(x) = {Uij(x)} = {πjρU(x)} or equivalently iff ρ(x) or the c.d.f. πi= 1mHiπi(x) is in the domain of attraction of one of the extreme value distributions. Hence the only possible limit laws for {Mn} are the extreme value distributions which generalize the results of Gnedenko for the i.i.d. case.

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