Sequence analyses of the 28S rRNA gene D1/D2 region suggest Dacrymyces (Heterobasidiomycetes, Dacrymycetales) is polyphyletic

For the purpose of determining phylogenetic relationships within the Dacrymycetales, we conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of the 28S rRNA gene D1/D2 region using neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood methods. Although the phylogenetic relationships at higher taxonomic levels were not resolved, we obtained some new information about inter- and intrageneric relationships in this order. Dacrymyces punctiformis formed a clade with Cerinomyces spp., and D. stillatus, D. minor, D. chrysospermus, and D. subalpinus constituted a clade with Guepiniopsis buccina. These clades and other Dacrymyces species were scattered over the Dacrymycetales lineage. The results suggest that Dacrymyces is polyphyletic. Our study suggests that basidiocarp morphology has limited taxonomic value at the generic or familial level and that there is a need for a taxonomic reassessment of this order, including a redescription of Dacrymyces.