Pituitary–testicular interrelationships during germinal involution in the vitamin A deficient rat

Pituitary–testicular relationships in mature male rats were investigated during the period of germinal involution after the induction of vitamin A deficiency (VAD). Vitamin A deficiency caused a decrease in testicular weight, a gradual increase in the incidence of delayed spermiation, increased phagocytosis of spermatids and pyknosis of germ cell nuclei in rats aged 80 to 110 days. Both basal and gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH)-stimulated serum FSH concentrations were increased by 100 days of age. During the same period, the per cent increment in GnRH-stimulated FSH secretion, pituitary FSH concentration and LH secretion remained unchanged. These results suggest that the increased serum FSH may mark specifically an alteration in the germinal epithelium. By 140 days of age, spermatogenic activity in the rats with VAD was limited to the spermatogonial proliferations so that only Sertoli cells, spermatogonia and preleptotene spermatocytes remained. At this time hypersecretion of FSH persisted while the per cent increment of GnRH-stimulated FSH secretion decreased. Concomitantly, basal and GnRH-stimulated LH concentrations were also increased in the presence of normal serum testosterone. These results indicate that a complete cessation of spermatogenesis beyond preleptotene spermatocytes is associated with a change in the secretion of both FSH and LH. The relationship between serum LH and testosterone was normal until at least 110 days of age. By 140 days the ratio between basal LH and basal testosterone, and between total LH and total testosterone, after GnRH administration, increased in the rats with VAD. These changes may be caused by a hyporesponsiveness of the Leydig cells which may, in turn, be attributed to the cessation of spermatogenesis. J. Endocr. (1984) 100, 33–41