The Radioactive Decay Constants ofK40as Determined from the Accumulation ofCa40in Ancient Minerals

New measurements of the rate of emission of gamma-ray energy by K40 give 4.9±0.1 Mev/sec. g K, in agreement with Gleditsch and Gráf. Thus the minimum value of the probability of electron capture in K40 is λe=0.062×109 yr.1. Spectrochemical analysis of 4 samples of lepidolite known to be 2.1×109 years old, as well as 22 younger lepidolites, gives a maximum value of 22, and a most probable value of 11 for the ratio of radiogenic Ca40 to residual K40 in the 2.1×109 year old minerals. In such an ancient mineral, the Ca40/K40 ratio is a function not only of the probability of β-ray decay, λβ, of K40 into Ca40, but also the probability of transformation by electron capture, λe, of K40 into A40. This is because the electron capture process may significantly deplete the K40, thus tending to produce larger Ca40/K40 ratios than would result from β-decay alone. The decay constants λβ and λe reported by Bleuler and Gabriel predict Ca40/K40=152, while Mühlhoff's λβ predicts Ca40/K40=1.48 for a 2.1×109 year old mineral. We have therefore suggested approximate corrections for the effects of β-ray scattering in the observations by Mühlhoff and by Bleuler and Gabriel on the absolute rate of emission of