Integrable spin-1 Heisenberg chain with impurity

We construct an integrable SU(2)-invariant model consisting of the Heisenberg chain of spin 1 interacting with an impurity of spin S. This generalizes previous results by Andrei and Johannesson for the spin-(1/2 chain. The model Hamiltonian is diagonalized and the thermodynamics is obtained. For ferromagnetic coupling at low temperatures the impurity susceptibility diverges as T2 and the impurity specific heat is proportional to T1/2 for all values of the impurity spin S. For antiferromagnetic coupling and T=0 the impurity susceptibility diverges proportionally to ‖lnH‖ as H→0 if S=(1/2, while if S>1 the impurity spin is only partially compensated for by the S=1 chain.