Ground-State Wave Functions for He i andHObtained by the Superposition of Central Field Functions

The ground-state wave functions of He i and H have been represented by the superposition of symmetrized analytic central field wave functions for the configurations 1s2, 1s2s, 1s3s, 2p2, 2p3p, 3d2, and 4f2. The radial functions were taken to be the product of an exponential and a polynomial. The coefficients in the polynomials were chosen to insure the orthogonality of the one-electron wave functions. The parameters in the exponentials and the coefficients in the linear combinations of the wave functions for the different configurations were chosen so that the ground-state function gave the minimum energy. The resulting energies for He i and H are -5.79830 and -1.05190 respectively in units of the Rydberg for the corresponding atom. These results together with others are discussed.