Thick Target Bremsstrahlung Produced by Electron Bombardment of Targets of Be, Sn, and Au in the Energy Range 0.2–2.8 MeV

Electron bremsstrahlung due to bombardment of Sn and Au targets at 0.2, 1.0, 2.0, and 2.8 MeV, Be targets at 0.2, 1.0, and 2.0 MeV, and Al and Fe targets at 0.2 MeV were measured. Angular distributions of bremsstrahlung intensity and total transmission spectra are derived from the measurements, which were carried out for perpendicular incidence of the electron beam to the target plane. Comparisons for Au and for previously reported Al and Fe spectra are made at 1.0 and 2.8 MeV to calculated spectra from the Monte Carlo program of M. J. Berger and S. M. Seltzer, ETRAN 15. Total external radiation emitted from the targets is represented by the function 1.4×10−3 T02.16 for Be, 1.6×10−2 T02.07 for Sn, and 2.3×10−2 T01.90 for Au, where T0 is the incident electron kinetic energy in MeV.

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