Physical Map of Tupaia Adenovirus DNA by Cleavage with Restriction Endonucleases and Partial Denaturation

The double-stranded DNA of an adenovirus of tupaia (TAV) which has a mol. wt. of 21.5 X 10(6) was analysed as follows: the cleavage sites of restriction endonucleases BamHI, EcoRI, KpnI, SmaI, BstEII, ClaI and HpaI were determined by complete, partial and double digestion followed by gel electrophoretic separation of the resulting fragments. Terminal HpaI fragments were determined by hydrolysing the intact DNA with exonuclease III before restriction enzyme cleavage. Partial denaturation mapping of uncleaved DNA and EcoRI fragments revealed the cleavage sites of EcoRI as well as A + T-rich regions at both termini of the genome.