The hyperfine structure of the second-excited D states of Rb85, Rb85, and Cs133 has been measured by the method of cascade-radio-frequency spectroscopy and cascade-level crossing. The sign of the magnetic-dipole coupling constant A is determined by the method of cascade-decoupling and cascade-radio-frequency spectroscopy with narrow-band excitation. Lifetimes τ of some of these states are measured by the cascade-Hanle effect. We find that for Rb87, A(5D322)=14.43±0.23 MHz, A(5D522)=7.44±0.10 MHz, τ(5D322)=205±40 nsec; for Rb85, A(5D322)=4.18±0.20 MHz, A(5D522)=2.12±0.20 MHz; for Cs133, A(6D322)=16.30±0.15 MHz, A(6D522)=3.6±1.0 MHz, τ(6D322)=57±15 nsec.