Textbooks on dermatology,1urology,2medicine3and pediatrics4state that diphtheria of the genitals is rare. However, from the cases reported one learns that diphtheria of the genitals occurs at all ages, but more frequently in children than in adults. It is more common in the female than in the male, for out of fifty cases reported thirty-five were in the former. This paper refers chiefly to but one case of penile diphtheria, of which only fifteen could be found in the literature. Generally, diphtheria of the penis is secondary to some other diphtheritic lesion in the body; nevertheless, several cases have been reported in which the infection was primary in the genitals. McCollum5reported two cases of secondary diphtheria of the penis. Bode6and Cochran7each reported one case of secondary diphtheria of the penis. The latter's case resulted in paralysis of the