Daughters from daughterless mothers ? Rescuing a female-lethal maternal effect by cytoplasmic transplantation inDrosophila embryos

Daughterless is a temperature-sensitive, maternal effect mutation ofDrosophila melanogaster. Homozygousdaughterless females raised at temperatures above 22°C do not produce any female progeny. It was possible to rescue these female embryos by injecting cytoplasm from non-mutant unfertilized eggs into embryos fromdaughterless mothers. Cytoplasm from unfertilized eggs laid by homozygousdaughterless mothers was ineffective. Surprisingly, the cytoplasm from developing embryos with either wild-type ordaughterless mothers could also effect rescue. Based upon this data, we suggest that male and female embryos ofdaughterless mothers differ in their ability to initiate the synthesis of a product during the nuclear multiplication (cleavage) stage of embroniic development in the absence of a putativeda + maternally-synthesized factor, and that this is the basis for the sex-specific action of theda maternal effect.