A human tumor necrosis factor p75 receptor agonist stimulates in vitro T cell proliferation but does not produce inflammation or shock in the baboon.

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a potentially useful adjunct to anticancer therapies. However, the clinical utility of TNF has been limited by generalized toxicity and hypotension. Recently, studies have begun to dissect the individual proinflammatory and immunologic responses that result from TNF binding to its two cellular receptors, p55 and p75, in an attempt to develop TNF receptor agonists with reduced systemic toxicity. To evaluate a p75 receptor selective TNF mutant (p75TNF), TNF and p75TNF were administered to healthy anesthetized baboons. Intravenous infusion of the p75TNF produced none of the hemodynamic changes seen after the infusion of TNF. Infusion of p75TNF also failed to induce the plasma appearance of interleukins 6 and 8. However, p75TNF enhanced in vitro baboon thymocyte proliferation to concanavalin A, and infusion of p75TNF resulted in increased soluble p55 and p75 receptor plasma concentrations. Local skin necrosis and tissue neutrophil infiltration were seen after subcutaneous injections of TNF and p55TNF. Subcutaneous injection of p75TNF did not result in skin necrosis but did result in a modest dermal infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages. The findings suggest that p75TNF may stimulate T cell proliferation without the systemic and local toxicity seen with TNF.