Maximal expression of the histidine operon of Salmonella typhimurium in a coupled in vitro transcription-translation system is strongly dependent upon addition of guanosine 5'-diphosphate 3'-diphosphate (ppGpp). This requirement for ppGpp is exerted at the level of transcription through a mechanism distinct from the his-operon-specific regulatory mechanism. In vivo derepression of the his operon is markedly defective when histidine starvation is imposed on a relA mutant--unable to rapidly increase synthesis of ppGpp--growing in amino-acid-rich medium. Increased sensitivity of relA mutants to growth inhibition by a number of amino-acid analogs suggests that ppGpp is generally important in adjusting expression of amino-acid-producing systems. Analysis of these findings leads us to propose that ppGpp is a positive effector in a system that enables the cell to balance endogenous amino-acid production with environmental conditions of amino-acid availability, and to compensate efficiently for transient changes in these conditions. We propose a unifying theory of the role of ppGpp as the general signal molecule (alarmone) in a "super-control" which senses an amino-acid deficiency and redirects the cell's economy in response.