The occurrence of phosphoglyceric acid in the bacterial dissimilation of glucose

Phosphoglyceric acid has been isolated from fermentation mixtures using Propionibacterium arabinosurm, P. pentosaceum, Aerobacter indologenes, Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus pentoaceticus, L. plantarum, Serratia marcescens, Bacillus subtilis, B. mycoides, Azoto-bacter vinelandii, Streptococcus paracitrovorous and Staphy-lococcus albus. It was not found with Clostridium butylicum, Cl. histolyticum and C. sporogenes. Aeration of the fermentation mixtures increases, storing the cells at 5[degree] decreases, the formation of the ester. Acetylmethylcarbinol is a better H-acceptor for use with the colon-aerogenes bacteria than either pyruyic acid or acetaldehyde. The possible role of phosphoglyceric acid in bacterial glycolysis is discussed.

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