Mixing of neutral charmed mesons and tests forCPviolation in their decays

The reactions e+eD0D¯0+m(π0)+n(γ), followed by decays of the charmed mesons to eigenstates of CP, satisfy selection rules which allow tests of CP invariance. When the e+e reactions proceed through one virtual photon and n is even (odd), the decay products of the two neutral charmed mesons will have opposite (equal) CP to the approximation in which CP is conserved. Final states with even CP include ππ and, approximately, KL0π0; the final state KS0π0 is nearly CP-odd. It is shown that when both neutral charmed mesons decay to identical final states, the signal for CP violation always contains a factor related to the amount of D0D¯0 mixing, and hence is small if this mixing is small (as in the standard charm model). When two different final states are observed, the signal for CP violation contains such a factor only in certain models, of which the superweak model is an example.

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