Strike while the iron is hot: Can stepped-care treatments resurrect relapsing smokers?

The efficacies of 2 group counseling step-up treatments for smoking cessation, cognitive-behavioral/skill training therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing/supportive (MIS) therapy, were compared with brief intervention (BI) treatment in a sample of 677 smokers. Differential efficacy of the 2 step-up treatments was also tested in smokers at low and high risk for relapse (no smoking vs. any smoking during the first postquit week. respectively). All participants received 8 weeks of nicotine patch therapy. BI consisted of 3 brief individual cessation counseling sessions; CBT and MIS participants received BI treatment and 6 group counseling sessions. Neither CBT nor MIS treatment improved long-term abstinence rates relative to BI. Limited support was found for the hypothesis that high-risk smokers would benefit more from MIS than CBT. Other hypotheses were not supported.