Metal-insulator transition intrans-polyacetylene

We have calculated the band structure for a chain of doped trans-polyacetylene using the electronic part of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Hamiltonian plus the Coulomb potential arising from ions and charged solitons surrounding the chain. The lattice structure used was that determined by x rays for Na-doped polyacetylene. To agree with a number of experimental observations the donated electrons were taken to be in soliton states at all dopant concentrations. In obtaining the potential of a point charge on a chain in the metallic state, the confinement of the free electrons to a chain was taken into account. Because screening depends on the calculated energy levels, specifically on the density of states at the Fermi energy, η(EF), in the metallic state, which, in turn, depend on the potential used to obtain them, self-consistency was required in the calculations.