The reactions of europium(II) with vanadium(III) and chromium(III) in aqueous perchloric acid solutions, µ= 2·0M have been studied using conventional spectrophotometric techniques. In preliminary experiments it was shown that europium(II) and chromium(II) do not react with perchlorate ions over periods of at least ten days. The slow reaction between vanadium(II) and perchlorate ions was confirmed at 25°. The reaction EuII+ VIII→ EuIII+ VII is first order in both the reactants d[VII]/dt=kobs[EuII][VIII] where kobs is dependent on the hydrogen-ion concentration kobs=k1+k′[H+]–1. The constant k1(9·0 × 10–3 l.mole–1 sec.–1 at 25°) corresponds to the reaction of Eu2+ with V3+ and it is assumed that k′ is for the reaction of Eu2+ with VOH2+. Thus k′ may be written k2KH where k2(2·0 l. mole–1 sec.–1 at 25°) is the true rate constant and KH the hydrolysis constant for V3+. From the temperature dependence ΔH1 = 11·4 kcal. mole–1, ΔS1 =–30·1 e.u., ΔH2 = 6·2 kcal. mole–1, and ΔS2 ∼–35 e.u. The forward and reverse reactions EuII+ CrIII [graphic omitted] EuIII+ CrII are both slow at 25°, and with [H+]= 0·5Nk3∼ 1·7 × 10–5 l. mole–1 sec.–1 and k–3∼ 1·4 × 10–5 l. mole–1 sec.–1. The addition of free chloride ions does not effect the forward reaction, but in the reverse the rate is much faster and substitution-inert CrCl+ is formed. With CrCl2+ as the chromium(III) reactant the forward reaction Eu2++ CrCl2+→ Eu3++ Cr2++ Cl is also much faster. At 25°k4= 2·23 × 10–3 l. mole–1 sec.–1 and the activation parameters for this path are ΔH4 = 17·0 kcal. mole–1 and ΔS4 =–13·9 e.u. A transition complex [CrCl Eu]4+ seems likely, but alternatives [CrCl H2O Eu]4+ and [Cl Cr H2O Eu]4+ cannot as yet be entirely excluded.