Polyvinyl-pyrrolidone-iodine: an assessment of antibacterial activity

Polyvinyl-pyrrolidone-iodine complex (PVP-I) was shown to have a rapid disinfectant activityin vitroagainst vegetative bacteria and fungi and against vegetativeTrichomonas. The presence of organic matter had a slight delaying effect on the killing time. Bacterial spores survived in PVP-I for 17 hr. and fungal spores for 1½ hr. Used as an agent for pre-operative preparation of the skin, PVP-I was more efficient than others tested, rendering the skin surface sterile even when heavily contaminated, and keeping it so for 1 hr. None of the staining characteristics of iodine were noted since PVP-I was easily removed by water. Two individuals, known to be iodine sensitive, developed mild iodism after application of PVP-I.The authors are indebted to the staff of the hospital for their co-operation; and to Berk Pharmaceuticals Limited for supplies of PVP-I, manufactured by them as Betadine (Povidone-iodine B.P.).