Plane-wave-factor, molecular-state treatment of electron transfer in collisions ofHe2+ions with H atoms

Total cross sections are reported for electron transfer into the individual states 2s, 2p0, and 2p1, and into all bound states of He+ in collisions of 1- to 70-keV He2+4 ions with H atoms. Following Bates and McCarroll, plane-wave factors have been fully incorporated in a coupled-molecular-state approximation. All velocity-dependent matrix elements have been evaluated as power series in the nuclear velocity. The bases used include up to 10 states 1sσ, 2sσ, , 3dδ, of the frozen HeH2+ molecule. Convergence of cross sections with respect to the size of the bound-state basis was studied: fewer basis functions are needed than when plane-wave factors are omitted. To test the convergence of the latter results with respect to the size of the bound-state basis, the two potentially important states 5gσ and 5gπ have been added to the previously used 20-state (1sσ, 2sσ, , 4fϕ) basis, and were found to affect the cross section for transfer into all states by at most 6%. For transfer into all states, results with and without plane-wave factors converge at low energies, agreeing to within 5% at 1 keV. The agreement of the plane-wave-factor results with the experimental data for transfer into all states is excellent at He2+4 energies down to 8 keV, but poor at the lower energies, where the coupled-state results are believed to be more fully converged. For capture into the 2s state, the plane-wave-factor results lie above the upper bound of the experimental values by 25% at 20 keV.

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