This monster, of which the mother was delivered by Mr Thomas Anderson, surgeon in Leith, after the birth of a complete child at the full time, had its proper membranes and a placenta, with a short umbilical cord.The following parts were wanting in it; to wit, the bones of the head; the brain, with the organs of sight, hearing, smell and taste; the neck; about one half of the ribs; the larynx, trachea and lungs; the heart; the pharynx, œsophagus and stomach, with all the small intestines, except the end of the ilium; the anus; the liver, spleen, pancreas and omenta; the renal glands; terminations of the ureters; the middle part of the urethra; the right testicle; both arms; both patellæ; with several of the bones of the feet and toes.