We present a method for treating the following quantum mechanical three-body problem: to find the ground-state eigenvalue and eigenfunction for a system of three identical particles between any pair of which there is an attractive central force. An essential point of the method is to assume the wave function Ψ has a special analytic form, Ψ=ψ(r12, ρ3)+ψ(r13, ρ2)+ψ(r23, ρ1), where r12=r1-r2, ρ3=r312(r1+r2) and r13, ρ2 and r23, ρ1 are defined analogously. The Schrödinger equation for the system can then be written as an integral equation for φ(k, κ), the Fourier transform of ψ. We expand this in Legendre polynomials, φ(k, κ)=Σl=0φl(k, κ)Pl(cosγ), and this yields a set of coupled integral equations for the φl(k, κ). These can be truncated and to a good approximation one can neglect all φl except φ0, thereby reducing the problem to a single integral equation for a function of two variables.

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