Type V collagen as the target for type‐3 fimbriae, enterobacterial adherence organelles

Tissue-binding specificity of the type-3 fimbriae of pathogenic enteric bacteria was determined using frozen sections of human kidney. A wild-type Kleb-siella sp. strain and the recombinant strain Escherichia coli HB101(pFK12), both expressing type-3 fimbriae, as well as the purified type-3 fimbriae effectively bound to sites at or adjacent to tubular basement membranes, Bowman's capsule, arterial walls, and the interstitial connective tissue. Bacterial adherence to kidney was decreased after collagenase treatment of the tissue sections. Recombinant strains expressing type-3 fimbriae specifically adhered to type V collagen immobilized on glass slides, whereas other collagens, fibronectin or laminin did not support bacterial adherence. In accordance with these findings, specific binding of purified type-3 fimbriae to immobilized type V collagen was demonstrated. Specific adhesion to type V collagen was also seen with the recombinant strain HB101(pFK52/pDC17), which expresses the mrkD gene of the type-3 fimbrial gene cluster in association with the pap-encoded fimbrial filament of E. coli, showing that the observed binding was mediated by the minor lectin (MrkD) protein of the type-3 fimbrial filament. The interaction is highly dependent on the conformation of type V collagen molecules since type V collagen in solution did not react with the fimbriae. Specific binding to type V collagen was also exhibited by type-3 fimbriae strains of Yeisinia and Salmonella, showing that the ability to use type collagen as tissue target is widespread among enteric bacteria.