A Simple Energy-Balance Model to Calculate Ice Ablation at the Margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet

Data for daily ice ablation on two outlets from the Greenland ice sheet, Nordbogletscher (1979–83) and Qamanârssûp sermia (1980–86), are used to test a simple energy-balance model which calculates ablation from climate data. The mean errors of the model are only −1.1 and −1.3 mm water d−1for Nordbogletscher (14 months) and Qamanârssûp sermia (21 months), respectively, with standard deviations of ±13.6 and ±18.9 mm water d−1for calculating daily ablation. The larger error for Qamanârssûp sermia may be due to variations in ice albedo but the model also underestimates ablation during Föhn events.According to the model, radiation accounts for about two-thirds of mean ablation for June-August at the two sites, while turbulent fluxes account for about one-third. The average ablation rate is higher at Qamanârssûp sermia than at Nordbogletscher because both sensible-heat flux and short-wave radiation are higher.