Toxocara canis oculaire chez un adulte de 30 ans

Ein Fall von Toxocara-canis-Uveitis wird vorgetragen und diskutiert. Das besondere Interesse dieses Falls liegt im Alter der Patientin (30 Jahre), in der histologischen Untersuchung des entfernten Granuloms (erster beschriebener Fall) und in der chirurgischen Technik, die angewandt wurde. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed in a 30-year-old patient who presented a posterior traction detachment due to an inflammatory granuloma. The granuloma removed in toto during surgery revealed characteristic features of toxocariasis lesion (first case described in the literature). An ELISA test performed on a vitreous sample was strongly positive. Retinotomy around the granuloma was necessary to re-attach the retina and silicone oil was used as a tamponade for 4 months. VA improved from HM to 15/200 after silicone removal.