Angular Distributions of (n,d) Pickup Reactions in N14, P31, and S32 at 14 MeV

A double proportional counter-scintillator telescope was employed to study the angular distributions of deuterons produced by 14.1-MeV neutron-induced pickup reactions on natural targets of N14, P31, and S32. Measurements were taken at intervals of 5°-15° over the laboratory range 0°-150°. Simultaneous measurements of E and dEdx permitted separation of particles of different ZM. Five angular distributions of deuterons corresponding to three ground-state and two excited-state transitions were obtained. Absolute center-of-mass differential cross sections were assigned. Neither significant isotropic contributions nor back-angle yields were observed. All spin and parity assignments were consistent with accepted values. Absolute reduced widths were extracted by the peak-fitting method and the Amado extrapolation procedure. Comparison of experimental and jj shell-model S values (relative reduced widths), in addition to observed jj-forbidden transitions, clearly indicated appreciable core excitations in the ground-state configurations of P31 and S32. The S32(n,d)P31 (gnd.) measurements revealed a gross discrepancy in a previously reported cross section for the inverse P31(d,n)S32 reaction. An anomalously large reduced width for the transition to the 3.68-MeV level of C13 was qualitatively confirmed.