The Radiations ofTantalum182,Rhenium186,188, andGold199

A survey of the radiations of Ta182, Re186,188 and Au199 has been made down to energies of the order of 5 kev with a small 180 degree spectrometer. The disintegration scheme of Ta182 is complex. The twenty or more conversion lines found superimposed on the beta-ray spectrum and the numerous peaks found in the photoelectron spectrum are analysed into seventeen gammas in the energy region 80 to 330 kev. In addition, three gamma-rays of energies 1.13, 1.22, and 1.24 Mev are found. The continuous spectrum has an end point at 0.53 Mev. The radiations of Re186 consist of a single beta-ray group of maximum energy 1.07 Mev and two gamma-rays of energies 0.138 and 0.212 Mev. The 0.138 Mev gamma-ray is converted. Coincidence experiments strongly suggest that the mode of decay is one involving the emission of a single beta-ray group, followed by the cascade emission of the two gamma-rays. The disintegration of Re188 is more complicated. A single group of beta-rays is found with the end point at 2.10 Mev. Five gamma-rays with energies essentially the same as those reported by Miller and Curtiss are present. All the radiations of Au199 lie below 0.32 Mev. Superimposed on the beta-ray spectrum are eight conversion lines that may be attributed to 4 gamma-rays having energies of 0.024, 0.051, 0.156 and 0.207 Mev. The beta-rays have a maximum energy of 0.32 Mev. A possible decay scheme is suggested.