The performance details are described of a technique for routine evaluation of plasminogen in humans. In a Christensen clot lysis type of assay, the human plasminogen is converted into activator which transforms bovine plasminogen into plasmln. The parameters pertaining to the reagents and conditions of the assay are Investigated. Kinetic data have been obtained concerning fibrin clot disolution Induced by activated human plasminogen. A standardization of the assay is presented based on an assumed plasminogen content in normal plasma of 5000 units per ml and on the obedience of the kinetics to the Michaelis-Menten equation. The sensitivity and fidelity of the described technique and of caseinolytlc and esterolytic assays are compared. The technique has been routinely and satisfactorily applied during thrombolytic experiments in humans with streptokinase.