Measurement of Proton Electromagnetic Form Factors at High Momentum Transfers

Elastic electron-proton scattering cross sections have been measured using the internal beam of the 6-BeV Cambridge Electron Accelerator at laboratory scattering angles between 31° and 90° for values of the four-momentum transfer squared ranging from q2=0.389 to 6.81 (BeV/c)2 (q2=10 to 175 F2). Incident electron energies ranged from 1.0 to 6.0 BeV. Scattered electrons from an internal liquid-hydrogen target were momentum-analyzed using a single quadrupole spectrometer capable of momentum analysis up to 3.0 BeV/c. Čerenkov and shower counters were used to help reject pion and low-energy background. The cross sections presented are absolute cross sections with experimental errors ranging from 6.8% to 20%. Separation of proton electromagnetic form factors have been made for all but the two highest momentum transfer points, using the Rosenbluth formula. Both form factors, GEp and GMp, were observed to continue to decrease as the momentum transfer increases. An upper limit to the possible asymptotic values of the proton electromagnetic form factors has been established.