Acid Mucopolysaccharides, Cholesterol, Calcium, and Magnesium Content of Japanese Aortas

The average yield of acid mucopolyscaccharides extracted from defatted and dried Japanese aortas was 10.6, 11.6 and 6.9mg. per Gm. for individuals aged 0-19 years, 20-69 years, and 70-91 years respectively. A diminished yield found with advancing atherosclerosis proved statistically significant. A similar relationship in a U.S.A. sample has been observed by Kirk. Com-paratively, the AMPS content of Japanese aortas in the first six decades was appeared to be less. In Japanese aortas the major portion of the isolated AMPS was metachromatic. As in an American population, aortic cholesterol, calcium, magnesium, and atherosclerosis increased with age but the process was delayed two to three decades in Japanese.