The types and locations of serially homologous motor neurons of the dorsal muscles in the cockroach Periplaneta americana remain rather constant regardless of the various adaptations of their muscles or the fusion of ganglia. However, the size and number of neurons do vary according to the development of the muscles they innervate. Neurons in four distinctive locations, two ipsisegmental and two antesegmental, innervate the dorsal longitudinal (DL) muscles in most segments. One of the ipsisegmental neurons (DLC) is common to all of the DL muscles of a segment and probably has a modulatory function. The dorsal oblique (DO) muscles of most segments have neurons in two antesegmental positions. One of these, an antesegmental, contralateral neuron, innervates both DO and DL muscles in each segment and is also probably modulatory. One neuron (DOC) of the prothoracic ganglion is the principal exception to the constancy of these serially homologous neurons. This neuron appears to be homologous to the DLC neurons of other segments but innervates the DO rather than the DL muscles.