Several arguments are given leading to the sufficient and necessary condition for spontaneous symmetry breaking at a finite temperature on fractals, which is d̃≥2 for discrete symmetry and ddw+1 for continuous symmetry, where d̃, d, and dw are, respectively, the spectral dimensionality, fractal dimensionality, and dimensionality of the random walk of this structure. In addition, phase transitions can always occur at Tc>0 on infinitely ramified lattices. Since d̃<2 for fractals usually studied, Tc was always found to be 0 on finitely ramified fractals. d̃≥2 can be satisfied by a bifractal, a Cartesian product of two fractals, hence Tc>0 is expected. A Peierls-Griffiths proof is given for an Ising model on an example of bifractals, the periodic Koch lattice with d̃=2, showing that Tc is indeed finite. A unified picture concerning both fractal and Euclidean lattices is thus obtained.