In a variation of the Weinberg SU(2)×SU(2)×U(1) gauge model of the weak and electromagnetic interactions, we study the proton-neutron mass difference, which is calculable, and investigate the appearance of pions as part of the Higgs system. We find that the proton-neutron mass difference is a function of the way in which the symmetry is broken. We exhibit a possible symmetry breaking which produces the correct sign for the mass difference. In the Higgs sector, we have a mass-degenerate pseudoscalar triplet which interacts with nucleons as pions do in the SU(2)×SU(2) σ model. Therefore we identify this triplet with pions. They are massive in zeroth order, but we can calculate the mass difference δm2. We find that δm2 is of order αμ2 which is too large. If we impose a reflection symmetry on the Lagrangian, the symmetry group of the potential is enlarged and we find that the theory contains three pseudo-Goldstone bosons. These are the pion triplet, which are now massless in zeroth order. When we calculate the pion mass in the one-loop approximation, the Π0 remains massless while the charged pions pick up mass of order m2αμ2. This may perhaps be damped numerically to give a suitable estimate of the pion mass, but the mass difference is still too large.