Comparative Eftects of Sesamolin, Sesamin, and Sesamol in Pyrethrum and Allethrin Mixtures as House Fly Sprays

The comparative effect on 4 constituents of sesame oil in kerosene sprays containing either pyrethrins or allethrin was determined in tests against the house fly, Musca domestica, by the turntable method. Sesamol and a sterol caused no synergistic effect with pyrethrins. Sesamolin is a much more effective synergist with pyrethrins than is sesamin. A mixture containing equal quantities of sesamin and pyrethrins was about 8 times as toxic and a corresponding mixture with sesamolin was about 31 times as toxic as pyrethrins alone. Moreover, a mixture containing only 1/5 as much sesamolin as pyrethrins was as effective as the sesamin equiproportional mixture. Both sesamin and sesamolin synergize allethrin at the concens. used, but only slightly.