Further studies on the growth and differentiation of single, isolated cells of tobacco in vitro

Single cells of hybrid tobacco callus, isolated from germinating seeds, were grown individually in microchambers in the absence of any other cells, in fresh, liquid, coconut milk-medium. These produced a conlony of 50–75 cells in 10–15 days. In all instances the plane of the first cell division, and in most cases also that of the second division, were at right angles to the long axis of the cell. There was more variation in the size, shape and pattern of the second and subsequent divisions in single cells isolated from fresh stem pith and seed callus than those from old stem callus. Upon transfer from the microchambers to agar medium the colony of cells gave rise to a huge mass of callus tissue in about 3 months. In no instance did the cell colonies or any stages preceding them resemble or simulate any stages of normal embryogeny of tabacco. Single-cell clones obtained by this method from seed callus or fresh pith callus produced shoots with leaves and roots in synthetic medium with various indoleacetic acid-kinetin combinations. Normal plants established from the above cultures in the greenhouse flowered in due course of time. This method offers the possibility of producing a very large number of clones or identical plants in species where vegetative propagation is not otherwise possible, apart from its use in studies on the genetics and morphogenesis in higher plants.