In a paper formerly communicated to this Society by Sir Everard Home, and since published in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1809, some facts were stated which render it probable that the various animal secretions are dependent on the influence of the nervous system, and this opinion seemed to derive support from some physiological experiments which were afterwards instituted by myself, and in which it was observed, that after the functions of the brain had been destroyed, although the action of the heart continued, and the circulation of the blood was maintained as under ordinary circumstances, the secreting organs invariably ceased to perform their office. It has been attempted by former physiologists to determine how far the nerves are necessary to secretion, but there are considerable obstacles in the way of this inquiry, and no observations, that have been hitherto made, appear to throw a great deal of light on the subject. The only method, which can be devised, of ascertaining by direct experiment, whether the nerves are really necessary to secretion, is that of dividing the nervous branches by which the glands are supplied. But this, with respect to the greater number of the glands, is an experiment impossible to perform; and, with respect to others, can not be executed without so much disturbance and injury to the other parts, as must render it extremely difficult to arrive at any positive results. Perhaps in future investigations, some circumstances may arise, which will enable us to determine more satisfactorily this important physiological question. In the mean time, as the labours of physiologists have hitherto contributed so little to this purpose, any facts that tend to its elucidation may deserve to be recorded, and I am therefore induced to lay before the Society the following experiments, which afford one example of a secretion being dependent on the influence of the nerves.