Ecological studies were undertaken from 1964 to 1966 on the mosquitoes that occurred in the Poole area of Dorset, southern England. The seasonal incidence was obtained of adults of Aedes cinereus Mg., Ae. punctor (Kby.), Ae. cantans (Mg.), Ae. detritus (Hal.), Culiseta annulata (Schr.), Mansonia richiardii (Fic.) and Anopheles plumbeus Steph. There were marked annual variations in their populations. With the exceptions of Ae. cinereus and Ae. cantans, their diel biting cycles were obtained. In most species maximum biting occurred around sunset and sunrise, with a reduction in biting at night. A comparison was made of the biting times of Ae. detritus and M. richiardii at sunset and sunrise in July and August. By dividing the catch into five-minute intervals peak biting times were related to crep values.