Ureteroileal anastomotic leaks: percutaneous treatment.

Interventional techniques are increasingly important in patient care. We present new uses of these techniques in each of three patients who had rapidly deteriorating clinical status due to an anastomotic leak following the creation of a ureteroileal conduit. To divert urine flow and to promote healing, large bore nephrostomy tubes were placed percutaneously. Silastic ureteral stents were placed from above to help divert flow of urine, and to prevent the formation of strictures. The procedures, the nephrostomy tubes, and the stents were all well tolerated, and the clinical status of the patients improved rapidly. These three patients left the hospital with tubes and stents in place, and complete healing occurred without complications in one to three months. Following removal of the nephrostomy tubes and stents, all patients had good preservation of renal function and normal loopograms.