We report here the first observation and measurement of the transition magnetic moment for a strongly forbidden S-S transition of an alkali atom. By using single-photon excitation of the 6S1/2-7S1/2 caesium transition in a quasi-static electric field, we have detected an electronic polarization of the excited state, specific to an interference effect occurring in mixed electric magnetic dipole transitions. Our measurements, independent of the vapour density, indicate that the magnetic dipole amplitude M 1 has the same size as the electric dipole amplitude E1 , induced by an electric field, parallel to the light wave polarization, and equal to 2.62 ± 0.21 V/cm. We also obtain the relative sign of M 1 and E1. Using a theoretical value of E 1 and a well-defined phase convention, we deduce for the magnetic moment of the transition < 7S, 1/ 2 | μ z | 6S, 1/ 2 > = - (4.24 ± 0.34) 10-5 |μB|, in good agreement with a theoretical estimate. This result can also be expressed in terms of the oscillator strength in zero electric field f6S-7S = 4.05 × 10-15, or of the single-photon M1 decay rate Γ 7S-6S = 0.93 x 10-6 s-1