Bark anatomy ofNothofagusspecies indigenous to New Zealand

The bark anatomy of Nothofagus menziesu (Hook, f.) Oerst.. X. fusai (Hook. Ã.) Oerst., .V. Indicata (Col.) Ckn., .V. sohmdn (Hook, f.) Oerst. var. solandn and ,V. solandn var. chjlonioides (Hook, f.) Poole, is described. Sieve tubes have predominantly scalariform compound sieve plates. Axial parenchyma cells are abundant and some have crystals in chambers. Fibres are derived trom the fusiform cambial initials and arcarranged in numerous scattered bundles. Each fibre bundle is encased in a sheath of chambered crystalliferous cells. Rays are usually 1-2 cells wide lacking both crystals and silica grains. Sciereids originate from axial parenchy ma, ray parenchy ma, and phelloderm cells. Phellogen is not repeatedly formed and only 2-3 periderms close to the stem surface have been observed. Rhytidome usually comprises a small proportion of bark. Coloured contents occur abundantly in the bark tissue of all the species examined.

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