This is a report of the detailed investigation which followed the discovery of "fine structure in scattered x-rays" reported in April, 1928. Molybdenum Kα1 x-rays were scattered at about 90° by graphite, aluminum and beryllium. Lines from graphite were shifted 0.0013, 0.0023 and 0.0113A to the long wave-length side of Mo Kα1. From aluminum the shifts were 0.0023, 0.0055 and 0.069A to the long wave side of Mo Kα1. From beryllium the shifts were 0.0048A to the long wave-length side and 0.00065A to the short wave-length side of Mo Kα1. Graphite shifts for scattering angles of 42° and 147° were the same as for 90°. This and all curve widths establish the fact that the scattering electrons were ejected with zero kinetic energy. Hence the energy relation is hν1=hν±Ve. From this the critical potentials; 32, 57 and 279 volts are obtained for carbon; 57, 136 and 1550 volts for aluminum; 16 and 119 volts for beryllium.