Resonance strengths and decay schemes in 23Na(p,γ)24Mg

Six resonances in the reaction 23Na(p,γ)24Mg have been studied using a 40 cm3 Ge(Li) detector. These resonances occur at proton energies of 512, 987, 1020, 1174, 1318, and 1416 keV. Decay schemes and branching ratios for the levels in 24Mg corresponding to the resonances have been established and a number of discrepancies between this and previous work have been found. Resonance strengths and hence γ-decay widths for the resonances at 987, 1020, 1174, and 1318 keV have been obtained in terms of the known width of the 512 keV resonance. The observation of a weak transition from the 1416 keV resonance to the 9.46 MeV level in 24Mg plus a Doppler-shift measurement on the decay of the 9.46 MeV level have permitted the spin and parity of the 9.46 MeV level to be restricted to 3+ or 4 with the former favored.