Several types of muscular abnormality have been reported to be associated with myxedema. The most common of these is pseudomyotonia, or delayed relaxation of the deep tendon reflexes. The association of myxedema and muscular dystrophy of the myotonic type has occasionally been described. It is the purpose of this paper to report a case of the previously undescribed association of myxedema with nonmyotonic muscular dystrophy and to review the muscular abnormalities of myxedema. Report of Case A 67-year-old, white, Polish, male cabinet maker entered Cook County Hospital for the second time on March 11, 1960, because of stasis dermatitis of the legs and weakness of the arms and legs. In the late 1920's the patient noticed prominent varicose veins. There gradually developed dependent stasis dermatitis with ulceration, and slight weakness of his legs. In the mid-1940's he noticed a deepening of his voice and dryness of his skin. In 1948