Spins and Widths of Energy Levels in the 5-9-MeV Region

Neutron-capture γ rays from the Texas A&M research reactor have been used to excite one nuclear energy level each in Zr90, Cd, Sn, Hg, Tl205, and Pb208, and two in Bi209, in the 5-9-MeV region. Angular-distribution measurements of the scattered γ rays showed that the transitions were all consistent with dipole radiation. However, for various reasons, the data could also be reproduced in most cases by assuming a mixture of dipole and quadrupole radiation. Three further measurements were made for the Zr90, the Tl205, the Pb208, and one Bi209 excitation: (1) an absolute differential cross-section measurement on the resonance scattering, (2) a resonance absorption measurement, and (3) a differential cross-section measurement at liquid-nitrogen temperature. From these data, values were found for Γ0 (the excited level width for an electromagnetic transition to the ground state), Γ (the excited level total electromagnetic width), and ε (the energy displacement between the neutron-capture γ-ray energy and the resonance energy). The values of Γ0 (between 0.14 and 1.0 eV) were found to be about 10 times larger than the values usually found for γ-ray widths in this energy region as determined from neutron-capture reactions.