Serotoninergic system and circadian rhythms of ACTH and corticosterone in rats

The circadian rhythms of plasma ACTH and corticosterone and of locomotor activity were explored in chronically cannulated female rats after elimination of serotoninergic (5HT) innervation of the SCN (suprachiasmatic nuclei) either by stereotaxic lesion of the median and dorsal midbrain raphe nuclei (RX) or by local injection of SCN with the neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7DHT). Completeness of 5HT denervation was checked on serial sections of the hypothalamus either by the Falk-Hillarp technique or by radioautography. Neither lesion eliminated the intrahypothalamic 5HT system which does not take part in the 5HT innervation of the SCN. In both experimental series, the circadian rhythms of the 3 parameters investigated were maintained in unchanged phase relationships compared to the sham-lesioned controls and with respect to the photoperiod (12 h light[L]-12 h dark[D]). The estimated amplitudes of the ACTH rhythms dropped by 43% (RX) to 47% (5,7DHT) and their mean levels by 44% (RX) to 60% (5, 7 DHT); the corticosterone rhythm displayed normal amplitude and its mean level rose by 24% (RX) or 38% (5,7DHT). In regard to locomotor activity rhythm, the most noticeable alteration was a 25-55% increase in the light-phase activity of both experimental groups with a correlative increase in the L/D activity ratio. The essential role of 5HT innervation of the SCN therefore seems to be seems to be to facilitate circadian control of the ACTH rhythm.

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