The Role of CCR7 in T H 1 and T H 2 Cell Localization and Delivery of B Cell Help in Vivo

Subsets of murine CD4+ T cells localize to different areas of the spleen after adoptive transfer. Naı̈ve and T helper 1 (TH1) cells, which express the chemokine receptor CCR7, are home to the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath, whereas activated TH2 cells, which lack CCR7, form rings at the periphery of the T cell zones near B cell follicles. Retroviral transduction of TH2 cells with CCR7 forces them to localize in a TH1-like pattern and inhibits their participation in B cell help in vivo but not in vitro. Thus, differential expression of chemokine receptors results in unique cellular migration patterns that are important for effective immune responses.